Office 365 versus Google Docs

Google Docs provides a function that delivers real efficiencies in document management.

That being the ability to interactively collaborate on documents, spreadsheets and presentations.

The down side of this is that Google Docs documents are not native Microsoft documents and the vast majority of such files in the marcoms space are native Microsoft documents.

Also many organisations are nervous about having sensitive communications, especially those pertaining to clients, in the cloud.

Microsoft Office 365 now also offers the same functionality and that is a major breakthrough, bringing that functionality into the mainstream.

If you then wrap a comprehensive document management, collaboration, project management and workflow application around that Office 365 functionality you have the ideal solution for marcoms professionals.

Additionally, if your sensitive communications are not stored in the cloud you have the ideal situation in terms of security and audibility.

Imagine being able to interactively edit native MS Word documents, Excel spreadsheets and Powerpoint presentations securely, in real time with several colleagues, suppliers and/or clients via the web.

That takes collaboration to a whole new level.

Ntuity delivers on that promise.

As Ivan Glaser CIO HAVAS A/Pac says:

“Nothing does document management as well as Ntuity does”.

Quite a statement on his behalf, but being responsible for information systems for over 2500 staff across 28 offices and 14 countries in the marcoms vertical, he should know.

Ntuity now integrates with Office 365 components: Word On-line, Excel On-line and Powerpoint On-line, to deliver real efficiency benefits to marketing professionals of all complexions.

Whether in the office or on the go you can collaborate interactively with all three styles of communications with your colleagues, clients and/or suppliers.

This short video provides a glimpse of the possibilities: Ntuity and Office 365

To find out more give me a call, Marshall Duncan +61 2 8425 8888

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